
Check your loan and payment

List of payment locations

Please conduct your payment at any shop listed below

Customers can pay their EMI by cash via MOMO or PAYOO outlets or Viettel Stores or Vietnam Post (VNPost)

Please go to your nearest MOMO transaction services outlet
Click on the MOMO website link at: https://momo.vn/timdiemgiaodich
After finding your most suitable location, please bring your money and pay your MOVI EMI at this MOMO outlet.
In addition, custommers can pay their EMI via MOMO Application on smart phone. Please click here for more details..
Please go to your nearest PAYOO transaction services outlet
CLick on the PAYOO website link at: https://payoo.vn/diem-giao-dich

At the Search bar, input “Movi-Icare” or “ICare-Movi

Input your desired City and District.

After finding your most suitable location, please bring your money and pay your MOVI EMI at this PAYOO outlet.

In case the staff at the PAYOO outlet do not know about MOVI, please tell them that our old brand name is iCare – Mobivi.

Customer can come to your nearest Viettel Stores and provide MOVI’s bank accounts and pay for your EMI. Please click on the links below for more details:
Customer can come to your nearest VNPOST and provide MOVI’s bank accounts and pay for your EMI. Please click on the links below for more details: